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Deploying a F# Fable app to Cloudflare Pages

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I was looking for a cheap and easy way of deploying and hosting one of my pet projects (a 3D dice rolling simulator written in F# using Fable - and after a few quick Google searches I stumbled upon this excellent solution offered by Cloudflare.

Cloudflare Pages is a platform targeting frontend developers that enables easily deployment and hosting of static content, offering excellent integration with Cloudflare’s other services (like Cloudflare Workers, optimized content delivery, built-in SSL and security etc).

The best part about Cloudflare Pages is the pricing - it’s free if you’re doing small static websites and even if you need some of the Pro features, $20 a month (at the time of writing) is a great price for what you’re getting.

Check out the official website and the official documentation for more information.

Creating a new project

Setting up a new Cloudflare Pages project is very simple. Visit the cloudflare dashboard (either create a new account or log into your existing account), select the Pages section from the navigation pane and click the Create a project button.

Screenshot of Cloudflare Pages setup

Follow the steps in the setup wizard by connecting your GitHub or GitLab account and selecting your projects’ repository. Pick a name and the default production branch for your project.

Please note that the name will be used as a subdomain to access your website. For example, choosing my-custom-project will cause the website to be deployed to

Seeing as there’s no Framework preset for Fable apps, we’ll need to add a custom build command to make the deployment work:

curl -sSL >;
chmod +x;
./ -c 6.0 -InstallDir ./dotnet6;
export PATH=./dotnet6:$PATH;
dotnet --version;
dotnet tool restore;
npm run build;

Let’s walk through the above command:

Screenshot of build configuration

The above setup makes the following assumptions:

  • you’re using Fable as a dotnet tool
  • you have a npm script called ‘build’
  • the ‘build’ script outputs the production artifacts into a ‘dist’ folder

That’s it - after a quick build your website should be accessible using the subdomain and any subsequent push into the production branch will trigger another deployment. You can also add a custom domain if you don’t like using the .pages subdomain.

Happy coding!